About Us
The Male Mentors Program is a village of male mentors that’s dedicated and determined to bridge this gap. This program is not just designed for fatherless boys, we are also to assist in the upbringing of young boys with fathers. See, the reality is, even if a young boy is growing up with a father, it’s not always easy to relate to your parents.There are some children who live with their fathers, yet the man is emotionally distant and rarely present physically, which means they live in a fatherless home, but not for the statistics. In reality, it’s during the volatile teen years where many young men begin to disconnect. These impressionable years are also when they gravitate to improper influences. Young men in this age group become more and more isolated. This is when they are seeking to find themselves. It is so important to have community ties and relationships readily available to grab hold to these young men before gangs or other negative influences do. Research and reality proves that the lack of a male figure in a boy’s life increases the likelihood they’ll perform poorly in school and/or get involved in crime. Male Mentors cannot change every young man’s life, but we can do our part!